Strategy and planning are formed by the way company managers determine the strategy and policies of the company or organization to meet the main objective in a certain period whether short, medium or long. Strategic planning is important to help track and meet company or organization objectives. In addition, be able to find opportunities in the market to increase customer satisfaction and improve the financial status of companies, organizations or individuals.


The strategy and planning used by HTH Transport Sdn Bhd are based on its value and objective, which is using the HEART principle:

H-Human and Enterprise Resource.

    Building and developing for the BEST customer synergy. Customers are the main pillar for the HTH Transport Sdn Bhd, this is because they can carry out the delivery process if they receive orders from customers. If there is no demand from customers, this company will not be able to operate well. Therefore, every requirement from the customer will be prioritized and carried out to achieve efficiency.


E- Entrepreneurship and Innovations

    To attract customers to use the services provided by HTH Transport Sdn Bhd, the company explores various ways how to solve any problems that occur during the process is running. If it cannot be overcome using equipment, manpower will be used to overcome the problem. In addition, HTH Transport Sdn Bhd becomes innovative by taking the risk to make a change which is to find new opportunities and grow to continue its business. HTH Group strives to stay ahead as a market leader providing innovative and dedicated solutions for our customers. Now, HTH Transport Sdn Bhd has 3 branches in Malaysia and 1 branch in Singapore.


A- Advantages and Competitive Advantage.

    Accurate and well-organized management is done by HTH to meet customer satisfaction. The HTH Transport Sdn Bhd is concerned with the arrangement of goods in the warehouse according to the goods production schedule. If goods that need to be released first are placed in the back, goods management becomes inefficient and the cost of goods management also increases. HTH prioritizes low cost but provides good service. With that, it can achieve the best customer satisfaction.


R-Reliability, Integrity and Time.

    In HTH Transport Sdn Bhd, almost the entire management is managed by equipment and systems. So, the company's performance must be the best. If the equipment has a problem, manpower will be used to overcome the problem. Therefore, the company's performance will not be interrupted or affected. The scheduling of goods is managed in an orderly manner so that the time for the goods to reach the customer is accurate and there is no delay.


T -Total Quality Management

    To maintain a high standard of work within the company, HTH Transport Sdn Bhd always puts the customer first. The concept used is, if there are no customers then there is no profit for the company. Each process for the delivery of customer goods will be referred back to the customer's requirements in terms of container size, the form of packaging and the transportation that will be used. So, the quality of the goods can be maintained as per customer requirements. Customer services provided are very important to gain customer trust and loyalty.


  1. Will the customer get a refund if the goods are damage?

    1. Company will ask the prove that the goods have been damaged and will take responsibility for the goods.

  2. what will the company do if the services are not same as the customer's requirements?

    1. If the customer's wishes are not met, the person in charge will be charged for the items that are responsible for damage due to his own negligence.



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